Many think it would help to have a lot of links from social media sites. However, this should be enjoyed with caution. This only helps if the person who is looking for your keyword is also “friends” with you. Otherwise, a “like” is nothing more than a link. However, the Google algorithm recognizes these links and the ranking gets better. However, if influential people like the website, this can increase the level of awareness of their own website.


Social media platforms now also have integrated search engines, and it makes perfect sense if the website can be found in them. Even if Google searches for certain keywords, direct links to the social media platforms appear. It is therefore recommended to use social media, but only if it makes sense. In other words, a Facebook account without news and on which visitors receive no answers within a useful period of time is worthless.

Conclusion: Either way, if the social media channel is used correctly, this is certainly helpful in order to attract more attention, even if it does not make the website rank first in the Google ranking.